Permitting Documents Overview
Depending on the type of project that you are planning, either Pennsylvania Code or your Municipality may require you to obtain plan review approvals or permit documents from the BCCD. The type of permit you will need is most commonly based on the overall size of your project.
In order to assist you in completing these tasks as easily as possible, we have separated the Permit Documents into two (2) categories for you. One page contains the information you will need to complete the permit process for projects under one (1) acre in size, the other for projects over one (1) acre.
Projects under one acre in size require an Erosion & Sedimentation Plan to be submitted and approved by the BCCD. Projects over one acre in size require a Nonpoint Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit to be obtained in addition to the E & S plan.
Please download, print, and complete all of the documents necessary for each type of project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BCCD immediately.