Who We Are
The Bucks County Conservation District was created in a Resolution by the County of Bucks on April 24, 1961. At that time, it was determined that the conservation of soil resources and the control and prevention of soil erosion were problems of public concern in the County of Bucks. In addition, a substantial proportion of the rural landowners in the County of Bucks favored the creation of a soil conservation district.
While much of the Bucks County landscape and land use has changed over the past 60 years, the need to protect our water resources from pollution in the form of soil erosion has only become more immediate. In fact, the changing landscape of our County directly correlates with a higher potential of pollution to our county’s water resources. Therefore, the work of the BCCD to protect and improve those resources is only becoming more imperative. We accomplish this through various programs, environmental projects, public education efforts, and the enforcement of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams law.
We encourage you to learn more about the BCCD in the pages of our site.
Our Mission
The Bucks County Conservation District mission is to provide for the wise use, management and development of the county’s soil, water and related natural resources. This is accomplished with the cooperation of public agencies, private groups and individuals.
There are 66 conservation districts in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and over 3,000 across the nation. Conservation Districts were formed in response to the dust bowl of the 1930’s, which was the worst drought ever in U.S. history, covering more than 75% of the country.

The Bucks County Conservation District was organized at the request of county citizens interested in soil and water conservation, land use planning and flood prevention. The county was declared a District by the County Board of Commissioners on April 24, 1961, as a unit of state government under the provisions of the Conservation District Law, Act 217 of 1945, as amended.
The District was organized to provide for the conservation of soil and water resources, assist in watershed protection and flood prevention, prevent damage to dams and reservoirs to help in maintaining the navigability of rivers, preserve woodland and wildlife, protect public lands, preserve the tax base and to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people.
The district is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors composed of four farmer members, two urban members and one county commissioner member. It operates under the supervision of the State Conservation Commission of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. The lay members are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners from a list of names nominated by county-wide organizations. The Commissioners designate one of their members to serve as a director. All members serve without pay. They are chosen primarily because of their interest in soil and water conservation.
The District is responsible for the broad overall soil and water conservation program as set forth in the “Soil Conservation Law,” Act 217. The Directors will work with all individuals, organizations and agencies interested in soil and water conservation, land use planning and watershed protection and flood prevention in the broadest sense to secure their assistance and support in planning and carrying out the District program.
The District recognizes and respects the position and policies of all federal, state and local agencies, organizations and individuals working in the county who have responsibilities or an interest in the field of soil and water conservation, land use planning, and watershed protection and flood prevention or related types of work.