Program and Services


Conservation Plan map. Conservation Plans are required for tillage activity and animal heavy use areas.

Conservation Plans

A conservation plan is a tool that helps manage agricultural land profitability while protecting natural resources (soil, water, air, plants, and animals). A conservation plan may serve as a farmer’s erosion and sedimentation (E&S) pollution control plan, which is necessary to meet the requirements of the Clean Streams Law. Conservation plans use a variety of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce soil loss and prevent the degradation of natural resources, ensuring their sustained use and productivity while also considering related human social and economic needs. When completed, a conservation plan will describe each of the conservation practices a farmer selects to manage the natural resources on their operation to meet their goals and objectives. The success of conservation planning and implementation depends upon the voluntary participation of the farm operators. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and private consultants are available to assist farmers in developing conservation plans. If you would like further information about conservation planning or are interested in obtaining a conservation plan for your farm, please contact the Agricultural Conservation Technician.

Cooperator Farmers

Rock lined channel controls stormwater from a field diversion into a safe outlet.

To become a cooperator farmer with the District, the applicant must complete an assistance request form. The request for planning or technical assistance must be approved by the Bucks County Conservation District Board where it will be given a priority level and a cooperator number. The signed agreement may be terminated upon written notice by the applicant or the District. Cooperator Farmers who are implementing conservation practices may be exempt from Erosion Control Plan review fees. To see the full policy, click here.