Read the latest information from BCCD:
BCCD Director Memorial Scholarship for Continuing Education – Scholarship Awardees
Scholarship Awardees 2024 Our 2024 Scholarship Awardee is Ryan Davey. A graduate of Council Rock High School South, Ryan expressed interests that aligned with the District’s mission while proving his…
Conservation Awards
Each year, the Bucks County Conservation District recognizes outstanding citizens and organizations for their conservation efforts. Winners of our Conservation Awards are presented letters of commendation from the County Commissioners…
Watersheds Work – Bucks County
How it works If you are interested in learning more about the resources available, use the link below. If you are interested in reserving these resources, reach out to Bucks…
The next BCCD Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. at our office and also via a virtual platform. The BCCD Board of Directors…
HABs – What’s the fuss?
This summer, at our popular county parks, you may have seen lakeside signs – Harmful Algal Blooms. These are becoming a more common occurrence and there are a few things…
Lawn Conversion Assistance
Turfgrass lawns are losing their standing as status symbols since these maintained monocultures – Do you have a half acre or more of maintained turfgrass you’d like to convert to…
Lake Luxembourg Update – September 2023
Driving over Woodbourne Road bridge, you’ll notice a labyrinth of stakes, twine, fencing and flagging in the water. What is that all about? Following last year’s removal of nearly 20,000…
Ag Plan Reimbursement Program
PACD was awarded a $500,000 Growing Greener Grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection to offer an Ag Plan Reimbursement Program for conservation districts from 2022-2024. Manure Management Plans…
Updated Alternative BMP List Available Now
The Bureau of Clean Water has revised the Alternative E&S and PCSM BMPs list. The document remains available through the Bureau’s E&S Resources webpage. Please see the Version History on the list to…
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