Riparian buffers, basin naturalizations, upland and headwaters restoration – this reimbursement grant helps purchase trees and planting supplies, and pitches in for some site preparation too!

A photo of groups of people planting trees in a basin.
2024 Trees For Watershed Project in Warrington Township. A local candidate for Eagle Scout and his troop naturalized a neighborhood stormwater basin with 115 trees.

Application Deadline

February 28, 2025


Since 2005, Trees for Watersheds (formerly TreeVitalize Watersheds),led by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the five-county southeastern Pennsylvania region, has focused on tree planting along stream corridors, wetlands, adjacent upland areas, headwaters, and naturalized stormwater basins. Through this program, dozens of watershed restoration projects are conducted throughout the region every year, resulting in well over 100,000 trees planted in sensitive water protection zones. The program receives funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and corporate sponsors Aqua PA and PECO, as well as substantial in-kind contributions from various partners.

Who Can Apply

Anyone with a good project on permanently protected land can apply, such as non-profit organizations, municipalities, schools, scouting groups and community organizations. If your organization is not a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit you can partner with a registered nonprofit or your local government to apply. New applicants must have at least one appropriate representative complete PHS Tree Tenders® training or equivalent education or training to be eligible. Private landowners can apply through a registered non-profit or local government if they are willing to sign a 20-year agreement promising to leave the plantings undisturbed and allow maintenance of the plantings

More Information

Visit the PHS website to learn more and download the application forms:

The Conservation District can assist you developing your project and applying for the grant. After reading the materials, contact Karen Ogden at or call 215-345-7577.

Schuylkill Highlands Mini-Grant

The Schuylkill Highlands Mini-Grant Program is a reimbursement grant program funded by the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and administered by Natural Lands. The program will provide mini-grants in the amount of $1,000 to $15,000 for projects that support and advance the goals and objectives of the Schuylkill Highlands Conservation Landscape.

Volunteers restore native vegetation to a swale directing water into Lake Nockamixon.

Application Deadline

Estimate: Late April, 2025 (not currently open)


Mini grant applications should connect residents and visitors to the outdoors; encourage sustainable regional development; protect natural and cultural resources; and inspire people to care for, enjoy, and explore the Schuylkill Highlands. Potential projects include:

  • Agricultural or storm water best management practices.
  • A regional trail feasibility, boardwalks, mapping, master plans, and trail construction.
  • Implementation of land stewardship, restoration, and conservation plans.
  • Water quality, habitat improvement, restoration projects, and riparian buffers.
  • Marketing and tour planning materials, maps, brochures, and or other educational materials.
  • Interpretive and wayfinding signage 
  • Recreational user amenities such as bike racks, benches, and bottle fill stations.
  • Water trail landings, fishing piers and development of access points from rivers, and streams.
  • Plans or conservation ordinances that result in a significant contribution to the protection of important natural, cultural, and recreational resources

The project must occur within the area depicted below.

More Grants

With annual application periods, it is best to check the following websites for opportunities:

PA Department of Community and Economic Development – multiple opportunities for business, community, municipalities

  1. Search all DCED programs
  2. Watershed Restoration and Protection Program
  3. Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program

PA Department of Environmental Protection

  1. Growing Greener Grants
  2. Environmental Education Grant
  3. Flood Protection – Stream Improvements (threatened businesses/homes)

PA Department of Natural Resources and Conservation – new, improved parks & open space and watershed restoration projects

  1. Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants
  2. DCNR Rivers Conservation, Community and Watershed Forestry Grants

Environmental Protection Agency – a list of programs

  1. Federal Green Infrastructure Funding Opportunities
  2. Section 319 Non-Point Source Pollution Grant
  3. Environmental Education Grant

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – focus on habitat improvement for prioritized species/regions

  1. Delaware River Program
  2. Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration

PECO – for municipal open spaces: PECO Green Region

Bowman’s Hill – ~$500 grant in plants for small community projects: Plants Grant