Projects Over One Acre

Projects that will generate earth disturbance of one (1) acre or greater are required by State and Federal Law to complete and obtain a Nonpoint Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, as well as an Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan approval from the BCCD.
Other permits may be required depending on the type and scope of project that you are planning. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BCCD office and request a Pre-Application meeting with the Technician assigned to the municipality where your project is located.
Below are links to the required documents and tools that are commonly used to complete the required information for an NPDES permit application. For more guidance, please download the information found on our NPDES Guidance page.
IMPORTANT Change to Resubmission Fee Policy and E and S Control Plan Application Form
Effective January 1, 2023, the BCCD policy for resubmissions was changed. A fee of 50 percent of the current E and S fee is charged for each resubmission without major changes. There will be no $1,000 fee cap on resubmission fees.
For example:
- If the earth disturbance is 1.0 to 1.99 acres, the resubmission fee will be $710, which is 50 percent of the E and S fee of $1,420.
- If the earth disturbance is 2.0 to 4.99 acres, the resubmission fee will be $1,050, which is 50 percent of the E and S fee of $2,100.
- If the earth disturbance is 5.0 to 9.99 acres, the resubmission fee will be $1,575, which is 50 percent of the E and S fee of $3,150.
- If the earth disturbance is 10.0 to 19.99 acres, the resubmission fee will be $2,625, which is 50 percent of the E and S fee of $5,250.
The BCCD Application for Chapter 102 and/or NPDES Review Information Form (latest version is effective January 1, 2025) reflects this change. The form has been posted on the website. Please use this most recent version.
Please call the office at 215-345-7577 if you have any questions.
NPDES General Permit Application & Forms
Please submit hard copies of your plans and forms. BCCD does not accept electronic copies sent to our CDIS system.
Please visit the following DEP website link to obtain the documents that you need to complete your NPDES General Permit PAG-01, General Permit PAG-02, or Individual Permit application.
DEP E and S Resources/Permits and Applications
Chart 5b – Summary Table of Stormwater BMPs
PNDI Environmental Review Tool
Integrated Water Quality Report 2022
Timber Harvest E&S Plan Template, PPC Plan, and Inspection Report